ISPMan support
General support about ispman installation and updates. Renewable.
Rate: please contact us
This support contract gives you access to us by phone or email.
We can answer your questions or help you solve the problem that you are having.
When a major upgrade is available, we can help you go through the change process.
Other support contracts to suit your companies need can also be negotiated.
ISPMan installation and site audit.
Remote installation can be performed for ispman and related components
The components include SMTP server, IMAP/POP3 server, LDAP server, HTTP servers, IMAP/POP3 proxies.
Rate: please contact us
A typical audit and installation takes about 2 days. A site documenation is provided at the end of the installation.
Additional components such as webmail, portal, etc can be installed upon request. Please contact us for rates.
ISPMan training and presentation
Onsite training (Europe/USA).
Rate: please contact us
Training in Switzerland
Training in United Kingdom (London)
Training in USA
Rate: please contact us
Various ISPMan consultants provide training services.
These consultants are developers of this software or System Engineers
specialized in large scale system installation and integration with very
good understanding or ISPMan and the ISP infrastructure.
ISP related consulting services
This service includes customizations to ISPMan, development of extra components and/or integration to existing systems to fit in your business needs and infrastructure.Through our partner network we are also able to provide you with any kind of extended consulting in the areas of planning, setting up and designing ISP's and ISP related services.
Rate: varies. Please contact us.
For more informations:
Contact by email: sales@ispman.net
Contact by phone: +41 79 37 57 633
ISPMan Sponsors
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has provided the development platform for this software.
Thank you sourceforge
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provides hardware and network for testing of ispman prooject. Envida also provides ISPMan support and other ISP related services.
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provides dns hosting for this domain running under ISPMan