$Id: ROADMAP,v 1.5 2002/02/15 02:38:49 madmag Exp $
- Move to ispman schema
- session manager for web based interface
- Access for multiple admins
- Different levels for admins
- Admin can lock domains
- write tools to upgrade ldap data from previous versions
- remove unclean code that was added for various customers
- command line tools to facilitate scripting
- Separate mailgroups from users
- support for tinydns
- support for sdb-ldap
- add support for other mail backends (courier etc.)
- focus on documenting each command line utility
- write documentation for the web interface
- remove IMAP code.
- distributed Mail servers
- distributed http servers
- Each node in a group can have its own settings
Example servers web1, web2 and web3 can have their own stop and start methods
- bring back customer control panel
- Possibally move customer control panel to PHP.
- SOAP interface, write functions that can be called via this interface
- move CLI code to use SOAP interface
- move HTTP code to use SOAP inteface
to be continued.
ISPMan Sponsors
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has provided the development platform for this software.
Thank you sourceforge
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provides hardware and network for testing of ispman prooject. Envida also provides ISPMan support and other ISP related services.
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provides dns hosting for this domain running under ISPMan