Installation Questions
Q: I get errors when installing once I get to make ldif-install, what
should I check?
A: First, verify that you have copied the example slapd.conf file and
schema files to your OpenLDAP directory. Next, make sure you have
restarted LDAP do it can read these new config files. Finally, verify that
the /var/lib/ldap directory exists and is writeable by your LDAP user. If
your distribution has a different directory than /var/lib/ldap, make sure
your slapd.conf file has the correct path.
Q: How do I get ISPMan to display in another language? (Applies to 1.0)
A: Follow these steps
1) cvs update -dP (in /opt/ispman/build if you already installed)
2) make install_ispman_web
3) cp /opt/ispman-1.0/install-data/nls.conf /opt/ispman/conf/
Finally, copy the locales to where /opt/ispman/conf/ispman.conf is looking:
4) mkdir /usr/local/ispman
5) cp /opt/ispman/build/locale /usr/local/ispman -R
You can add and delete locales files to suit your taste. For example, if
I only want to support French and German, I'd delete all the .po files
but de_de and fr_fr.
Operational Questions
Q: Can ISPMan support more than 500 domains?
A: Yes! The 500 domain limit is imposed by OpenLDAP's default settings.
Increasing the SIZELIMIT variable and reloading LDAP will allow many
more than 500 domains.
Q: Do users have to login with user_domain_com?
A: No, if you use and IMAP/POP proxy (such as Perdition), users can login
with user@domain.com. It is also possible to allow users in a common
domain to login with simply user and their password. This can be done
with an LDAP filter in Perdition.
Q: Can I let resellers and domain customers to edit their own domains?
A: Yes! Once ISPMan is installed, create at least 1 Reseller (usually the
ISP to start with). If you have additional Resellers created them. Each
Reseller can add their own customers and assist them with all aspects of
their domain. Domain Customers have two options for administering their
domain(s). They can use the ISPMan web interface and login as a client, or
they can use the ISPMan Customer Control Panel aka CustomerMan. The
Customer Control Panel presents a simpler view of the domain.
Q: What are my options for storing passwords in the ISPMan LDAP directory?
A: You can use plain, crypt, md5 and sha with ISPMan. You have to set
"User Password Hash Method" to one of these values. The default value is
crypt. You can change this with the web GUI: Configure -> System
Configuration or with the command line:
ispman.setVar -m sys_vars userPassHashMethod sha|crypt|md5
Q: Can I change the look of ISPMan?
A: ISPMan currently does not support themes. Cascading style sheets
(primarily ispman.css) are used to set the overall look of ISPMan and may be modified.
Be forewarned, however that any updates, from CVS or otherwise, are likely
to overwrite manually modified files.
Q: Does ISPMan support management of web access control mechanisms such as
A: If the auth_ldap Apache module is installed, ISPMan is capable of
providing full-fledged per-user access control for individual files or entire
directories. Domain administrators can manage this feature and can create
"web-users" who have access only to protected web resources and not to other
services such as email or account management.
Q: Does ISPMan support multiple servers?
A: Yes, from the start ISPMan was designed for scalable, large ISPs.
Adding additional servers is as easy as adding the server to the correct
hostgroup and installing ispman-agent on the machine. As the network
gets larger, LDAP replication will be critical as will the use of an
IMAP/POP proxy such as Perdition, which connects users to the correct
Q: What would a production ISPMan hosting environment look like?
A: Here is an example of one site, this is handling a few hundred customers:
3 ldap servers, 1 master and 2 backup (OpenLDAP).
3 web servers, 1 master and another backup and an SSL server
3 mail server, 1 mx master and 2 backup
2 Database servers (MySQL) (Master + slave backup).
All servers have they LDAP service syncronized with master server.
Web servers have file syncronized via network for a fast rescue in case of
crash on the master server.
Q: Is it possible to run ISPMan one a single server?
A: Yes, this is possible and is being done at some sites. This does not
take advantage of the scalability of ISPMan, and is not recommended.
Q: ispman-agent dies occasionally. How can I ensure that it stays running.
A: While a failing ispman-agent likely indicates an underlying problem, it
is suggested that a service monitoring utility, such as daemontools (http://
cr.yp.to/daemontools.html) be used to ensure maximum availability of the
Q: I have ISPMan running and have created processes. My processes never
disappear from the queue. Why?
A: This is usually one of these things:
1) The machine has a different hostname than ISPMan knows about. What does
the 'hostname' command output?
2)The machine is not running ispman-agent
3)The machine does not have read access to the LDAP directory.
ISPMan Sponsors
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has provided the development platform for this software.
Thank you sourceforge
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provides hardware and network for testing of ispman prooject. Envida also provides ISPMan support and other ISP related services.
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provides dns hosting for this domain running under ISPMan