The current version of ISPMan is 1.1.1
This is a bugfix release for 1.1. It has the cvs fixes plus the change of CVSroot from cvs.ispman.sourceforge.net to cvs.sourceforge.net.
This release has many more CLI utilities, updated schema, support for localization and for UTF encoding. It fixes bugs from the previous release and completes incomplete features. For more information, please see the Release notes.
After downloading and untaring the file please update the package via CVS. Please note, by doing cvs updates, you are only getting bugfixes for this release and not some radical changes that may be going on in the development version.
cvs login
cvs -z3 update -dP
ISPMan is a distributed system to manage components of ISP from a central management interface.
These components run accross frontend and backend servers.
Front end servers are the machines that are directly visible to your internet users. For example your web (eg. Apache), SMTP (eg. Postfix), DNS (eg. Bind) servers while
backend servers can be Mailbox servers (eg. Cyrus IMAP server), Fileservers, database servers etc.
ISPMan is designed to be scalable.
You may start with a single server to manage user's mailboxes and add more as you grow.
ISPMan can manage this and allow you to create user's accounts and mailboxes on different servers.
This does not affect the user at all but allows the system administrator to balance the load of mails on different machines.
ISPMan is writtin mostly in Perl and is based on four major components.
All these components are based on open standards and are easily customizable.
ISPMan Sponsors
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has provided the development platform for this software.
Thank you sourceforge
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provides hardware and network for testing of ispman prooject. Envida also provides ISPMan support and other ISP related services.
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provides dns hosting for this domain running under ISPMan